Constituent Communication / Communication Scale-Up

Constituent Communication / Communication Scale-Up

Laura Chasin describes dialogue as a local initiative that has had a far-reaching social impact.
Angela Khaminwa and Sarah Peterson discuss ways to "scale up" coexistence work to the national level to address issues of structural violence.
Máire Dugan talks about moving from the transformation of individual dialogue participants to broader social change.
Helen Chauncey says intervenors must make the effort to link the grassroots to those in power.
Palestinian peacebuilder Mohammed Abu-Nimer discusses how individual transformation can be scaled up to reach the policy-making level.
Tamra d'Estrée describes the challenge of taking new attitudes out of the small group setting back into one's day-to-day life.
Guy Burgess, Co-Director of the University of Colorado Conflict Research Consortium and the Beyond Intractability Project, argues that the conflict resolution field needs to think bigger and individual practitioners would improve their work through greater coordination.
Dennis Sandole discusses that dangers of going back to ones own group after attending a cross-group dialogue or meeting.