Long a neglected skill, many of our respondents stressed the very critical role of listening for both disputants and third party intermediaries. |
Disputants' Listening
Disputants seldom listen to each other, until they get into a mediation or dialogue process. Once they do, conflict transformation is often the result.
Morton Deutsch explains how listening to the other can actually allow people to see that "non-negotiable" differences can actually be resolved in a mutually satisfactory way. |
Robert Stains discusses the power of storytelling and dialogue and the key role of listening. |
Elise Boulding discusses networking and listening. |
Elise Boulding explains that women have a special role in peacekeeping because they are "listeners." |
Julia Chaitin says, listening to "the others'" stories can be difficult, but valuable. |
Third Party Listening
Empathic listening is also key to most third party intervention, be it mediation or facilitation of dialogues, consensus-building processes, or problem solving workshops, as these comments illustrate.
Frank Dukes talks about the profound impact of listening. |
Silke Hansen suggests that effective listening on the part of mediators is critical. |
Mediator and scholar Marcia Caton Campbell says the two most critical things you can learn are how to listen and how to "shut-up." |
What's the most important skill conflict intervenors can have? Listening, according to Paul Wehr. |