
Track I Efforts

Richard Rubenstein talks about the role of external actors in helping parties to get out of a hurting stalemate.
Chester Crocker describes the critical role that insider partial intervenors sometimes play in Track I negotiations.
Chester Crocker talks about the formation and monitoring of peace agreements.
Mari Fitzduff suggests that peacemaking efforts often proceed very slowly.

Advice for Peacemakers

Elise Boulding on listening and learning for intervenors.
Mari Fitzduff recommends mainstreaming peacemaking efforts.

Coordination With Other Peace Processes

According to Mari Fitzduff, different stages of conflict demand different types of intervention.

Who Are the Peacemakers?

Mari Fitzduff suggests that the peacemakers with the most credibility often come from the inside.
Chester Crocker describes the critical role that insider partial intervenors sometimes play in Track I negotiations.
Mari Fitzduff talks about the third-sider role sometimes played by paramilitaries and ex-prisioners.
Elise Boulding explains that women have a special role in peacekeeping because they are "listeners."
Mari Fitzduff describes the unique peaceamking role of women in Ireland.
Andrea Bartoli discusses the role that religious organizations in Mozambique have played in conflict resolution.
Dennis Sandole, the coercive peacemaking force is necessary for parties to break out of conflict - habituated systems.

Case Examples

Chester Crocker discusses the success of the peace process in Mozambique.
Andrea Bartoli talks about how the Catholic Church played the role of bridge builder and peacemaker during the years of civil war in Mozambique.