Identifying Stakeholders

Identifying Stakeholders

Manuel Salinas

Former CRS Mediator, Denver Office

[Full Interview]

Question: How did you assess the feelings of the community?

Answer: Generally when we would go into various cities, we'd meet with the establishment and let them understand what we were going to try to do, and then I would then identify in community organizations who should be involved. They'll be agency people, like G.I. Forum and NAACP would probably be there, perhaps the Urban League, perhaps SER, the church. I would try to work with the church to identify community leaders. Sometimes there would be a Latin American club that would be helpful. You talk to them, just like I did with the establishment. They have to know that I'm there also. So I let them know that "we have a problem area over here in this school, and perhaps you can be of some help, or you can come together when we go further down the road." Most of them would generally agree or would identify other people who are more aware of a situation. Or they might identify good teachers that could help.