About the Colleague Activities Blog

As part of our effort to support those working on related projects, we are including a Colleague-Activities Blog that gives MBI and BI participants and users an opportunity to highlight the work that they are doing (as well as the work of others that they would like to recommend). Things we want to hear about include: 

  • Books and articles you have written or are writing that relate to either intractable conflict theory, intervention practice, or both.
  • Practice activities you have undertaken or know about that are likely to be of interest to others.
  • Constructive advocacy efforts.
  • Any other work that relates to our topics here that might be of interest to our visitors. 

All submissions are subject to approval and we ask only that participants follow a few simple and common sense ground rules:

  • The post must reflect address some aspect of the intractable conflict problem in a constructive way.
  • Advocacy projects must reflect an honest effort to be as constructive as possible, trying to understand and work with –or at least not further alienate--adversaries wherever possible. (We aren’t concerned about alienating leaders if they are acting unacceptably, but we are concerned about alienating grassroots followers who might otherwise  be encouraged to engage in constructive conflict.) On the other hand, we realize this is a controversial stance we are taking, so we welcome a discussion about it, and we won't censor colleague activity posts unless we think they are really harmful to conflict resolution and peacebuilding efforts over the longterm.

Please fill out one of our Colleague Activities Forms to submit something for inclusion in this Blog. 

We also hope that BI and MBI participants will contribute to our discussions both on the Conflict Frontiers Seminar  and on the What You Can Do To Help Limit Destructive Conflict Blog.  We also invite suggestions for new posts to any of the seminars and blogs.  Make suggestions on our contact form.