Things YOU Can Do To Help Blog

Conflict Frontiers Graphic

Things You Can Do To Help

This blog contains posts highlighting things everyone--not just powerful people, not just important or rich people--but everyone of us --can do to help limit the dynamics that lead to destructive and intractable conflicts. It includes a series of short posts explaining each idea, links to additional information, and supporting Infographics.



The massively parallel approaches to hyper-polarization and  intractable conflict being explored in the
Hyper-Polarization Discussion
focus around specific things that individuals and organizations can do to help.

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There are four ways to participate in BI Seminars and Discussions. 

  • Visiting and Searching: Browse the BI homepage or particular seminar landing pages (particularly the right side) to see what's new (or what you may have missed), or use our search tool if you are looking for specific information. 
  • Subscribe to Our Free Substack Newsletter: You can sign up for Beyond Intractability's newsletter and get updates about everything that is new sent directly to your email.
  • Discuss: We are inviting anyone with thoughts on how to better meet the many challenges posed by hyper-polarization to contribute their ideas to the ongoing BI/CRQ discussion on the topic. The invitation to participate contains more details.
  • Contribute: We, of course, appreciate financial contributions which we are now collecting with a GoFundMe Page.  We also welcome suggestions about anything that might be done to strengthen Beyond Intractability, as well as information about things that you are doing that relate to BI.  (We add information about these activities to our Colleague Activities Blog.)

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Recent Posts

A chronological listing of the most recent posts.

All Things You Can Do To Help Posts

A complete listing of all "Things You Can Do To Help" posts is available as is a listing of supporting Infographics.