Constructive Conflict Initiative Feedback Form

Comment / Suggestion / Support Webform

A joint call for a dramatic expansion of efforts to improve society's ability to constructively address the full scale and complexity of the challenges posed by destructive conflicts

May 2019 Draft -- v1.2

CCI Home | Invitation to Participate/Comment | Full Initiative Statement | Feedback Summary  | Fall Update | CC-MOOSDonateMore Info

Prepared by
Guy Burgess and Heidi Burgess

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Please use this form to privately send us your comments and suggestions on the Constructive Conflict Initiative and to indicate your willingness to participate further (which can mean simply endorsing the initiative's basic premise, or participating in next-step activities).  All form submissions are emailed  to us immediately upon receipt, so this is a fast way to contact us. We will try to respond quickly.  In addition, you can use our discussion board system to participate in an online, Public Discussion about the Initiative. Thank you!

We have found most of the feedback we've received to date to be very thoughtful and valuable, and we'd like to share it as we work with a much larger group as we all decide where to take this Initiative from here. We have not been posting all comments, just those that are likely to be of general interest. To do this, we would like permission to share your ideas on our growing Feedback Summary page. In doing so, we will not attribute your responses to you without your explicit permission.  If we have permission to use your name, we will add it. If you would prefer that we not post any version of your comments we, of course, will not. 
If you would prefer to send us a message directly and not use the structured question and answer section below, please do so here.
It would help us if you could tell us a bit about your background and the perspective from which you view intractable conflict-related problems. (Our goal is to be able to craft a final version of the statement that people from a wide range of perspectives can support.)
In principle, does this seem like an effort worth pursuing?
Do you have any specific suggestions for improving either the substance or the language of our initial draft documents?
Are there other people who you think we should contact at this draft stage?
Might you be interested in helping us develop and pursue this idea? If so, what might you be interested in doing?
Do you have thoughts or suggestions about next steps that should be taken to pursue these ideas further?
Are you aware of individuals or funding organizations who might be willing to support our initial effort to develop and publicize the ideas?

If you are so inclined, we would appreciate any support you might be able to offer. You can use a credit card to contribute financially to the project through the Beyond Intractability Project Fund at the University of Colorado Foundation. More information about the donation process and options in found on our Donations page. 

Thanks for taking the time to look at this. We hope that you will get involved. We owe it to our children and grandchildren to do whatever we can to mobilize a much larger effort to address the conflict problems that are at the core of so many of society's disturbing trends


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