Colleague Activities
We are always looking for people doing interesting, intractable conflict-related projects to feature on our Colleague Activities Blog. See the Blog Homepage for information on how to submit your work.
- Courageous Dialogues -- A Canadian applied research project to identify best strategies, tools, and practices for overcoming polarization at home, work, in social circles and the public square.
- Heidi Burgess and Guy Burgess talk with Duncan Autrey about our Faltering Democracy and How to Fix It -- We talked about the intractability of the hyper-polarization in the U.S. political system (and elswewhere) and what conflict theory tells us about its causes and what can and should be done to reduce it.
- Now What? An Invitation to Participate in a Virtual Seminar on U.S. Democracy on Election Day -- Join HSDI to assess where we are now, and what we all can do to get to where we want to be in the future.
- “They Killed Us”: The LRA Massacre in Adjumani District Uganda -- This exercise documented memories and past human rights violations in an effort to provide transitional justice.
- Understanding Refugee – Host Relations in Post -Conflict Societies in Uganda: Adjumani District --
- The Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution Blog -- A blog seeking to bridge the theory-practice gap around intractable conflicts and their transformation.
- The Solutions Journalism Network -- The Solutions Journalism Network shares 1000s of stories about solutions to problems that actually work!
- AFP's Resource Page on Peacebuilding in the U.S. -- Books, articles, videos, podcasts showing how peace can be built in the U.S. as well as abroad.
- Being Validated -- Being validated is a basic need--that is getting met less and less. Face-to-face connection can fix that.
- Randy Butler's Peacemaker Podcast -- While our world seems to be falling apart, peacebuilders worldwide are working to put the pieces back together.
- World Policy Journal Issue on Megalomania -- Megalomania isn’t just a problem of a few bad leaders—it is far more ubiquitous and harmful.
- Ian Hughes on "Disordered Minds" and the Threat to Democracy -- Only strong democracy, says Hughes, can stop dangerous personalities from wrecking havoc on world order and peace.
- The Sustainable Peace Project of AC4: The Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict, and Complexity at Columbia University -- Introducing the many resources on complexity, conflict, and peace from the Sustainable Peace Project of AC4, Columbia University
- Karuna in the World -- The Karuna Center invites people to subscribe to their newsletter "Karuna in the World"
- Alliance for Peacebuilding Annual Conference (PeaceCon) Preliminary Agenda -- The Alliance for Peacebuilding has released their preliminary agenda for PeaceCon2018: Oct. 24-26, 2018
- New Report: Snapshot of Adaptive Management in Peacebuilding Programs -- This report introduces a new approach to peacebuilding evaluation which is more and flexible and adaptive (and hence appropriate for fast-changing, complex environments) than are traditional non-adaptive, post-hoc evaluation methodologies.
- New Book: Embodied Conflict: the Neural Basis of Conflict and Communication -- Tim Hicks has published an important new book on neuro-science that illustrates what Guy Burgess refers to as "pscyhological complexity" and explains how that impacts communication and conflict.
- The Economics of Peacebuilding: Assessing the Cost and Effectiveness of Programming -- An argument that the peacebuilding field needs to do a much better job understanding the cost-effectiveness of our work.
- Louis Kriesberg on Gene Sharp -- Louis Kriesberg's obituary for Gene Sharp, the pre-eminant scholar on nonviolent direct action.
- ComplexCity: a Manual for Collaborative Complexity Engineering -- A proposal to coordinate the effort of grassroots citizens to address complex problems using an online complex system.