Fundamentals Seminar Blog
Constructive Confrontation Initiative Spring 2018 Posts to Date
See Syllabus for additional background posts and planned, future posts (many of which are now accessible).
Other Blogs: MOOS Conflict Frontiers | BI in Context | Colleague Activities
Posts ordered from most recent to earliest.
Within-Party Differences
Not everyone on the "other side" is the same: some are open to compromise and others not. Don't lump them together.
Levels of Action (Lederach's Pyramid)
Leaders at three levels of society can contribute to peace, but the middle level is often the most effective.
Leaders and Leadership
"Leadership is one of the most observed and least understood phenomena on earth." (Burns)
Third Siders
Third siders are disputants and outsiders - united in a desire to transform conflicts for the better.
Parties to Intractable Conflict
Everyone can play a role in making conflicts better--or worse!
Stable Peace
Stable peace, says Boulding, exists when the thought of war as a tool to resolve conflicts is not considered.
Reconciliation - Original Essay from 2003
Once a hot topic, now a hotly-needed but controversial one-- this essay tells why.
Conflict Transformation
Conflict transformation sees conflict as an opportunity, not a problem needing a solution.
Settlement, Resolution, Management, and Transformation: An Explanation of Terms
Often considered synonyms, each of these implies a very different process and outcome.
Interests, Positions, Needs, and Values
These are the things people fight about--and each must be handled differently.
The Core Causes of Intractable Conflicts
High-stakes, fundamental moral differences, status conflicts, and identity issues are among the factors that often lie at the core of intractable conflicts.
What Are Intractable Conflicts?
Supplementing the Frontiers video, this Fundamentals essay tells more about our history with the term and why we still use it.