Beyond Intractability in Context Blog
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Posts ordered from most recent to earliest.
- Contrary to popular critiques, the liberal value of equality doesn’t make you weak or nihilistic. -- Equality Is Good, Actually -- Aug 21
- A thought-provoking essay that argues that we’ve forgotten the word morals and replaced it with boundaries. -- We Need Moral Direction -- Aug 21
- An essay that asks why efforts to challenge Trump's highly successful efforts to build a political movement based on lies has, thus far, ended in failure. -- Why the disinformation brigade has utterly failed to weaken Trump -- Aug 21
- A look at what it takes to lead a major university today with important lessons about why effective and broadly supported leaders are now such a rarity. -- The Misery of Leading Columbia University -- Aug 20
- The sad profile, with lessons for all advocacy groups, describing how a movement can be corrupted once its principal goals are attained. -- How the Gay-Rights Movement Lost Its Way -- Aug 20
- A provocative idea for reforming the U.S. Congress in ways that supporters believe would help defuse hyper-polarization by making Congress more like a parliament. -- What if Congress had more than two parties? Proportional representation could create a more functional Congress. A new report outlines how a -- Aug 20
- An exploration of the thin line that distinguishes efforts to support victimized groups from efforts to profit from their victimization. -- the thin line -- Aug 20
- As Israel and the world waits for the expected Iranian attack, a hopeful argument that Israel is reestablishing the system of deterrence that, for years, successfully prevented a wider war. -- Israel's deterrence is working against Iran's threats - opinion -- Aug 19
- A profile of Utah Gov. Cox, the founder of the Disagree Better campaign, explaining why he thought that supporting Donald Trump was the best way to continue his efforts to depolarize US politics. -- The Governor Who Endorsed Trump to Heal American Politics -- Aug 19
- News about a war that most of us, in the US, didn't know we were fighting -- one that has US soldiers, on the ground in Syria, fighting ISIS. -- In Syria’s Hinterlands, the U.S. Wages a Hidden Campaign Against a Resurgent Islamic State -- Aug 19
- A more in-depth exploration of the enormously difficult moral issues raised when aggressive authoritarian regimes employ civilian sacrifice tactics. -- Humanitarians Should Want Hamas’s Human-Sacrifice Strategy to Fail -- Aug 19
- A critical and doubtless controversial look at big media, it's diminishing influence on our collective consciousness, and its efforts to reassert itself through various censorship strategies. -- Media gatekeepers are losing control over the conversation, and robust censorship is their only chance to regain power -- Aug 18
- From Brookings, more analysis of the problems facing young people today. -- The kids are not okay -- Aug 18
- A hopeful argument that, while everyone was worrying about inequality and lack of economic opportunity, the Western world was actually moving in the opposite direction. -- The great wealth wave -- Aug 18
- During this time of massively parallel partisanship, thoughts from one of the few politicians still inhabiting the middle ground between the two partisan extremes. -- Joe Manchin Has Some Unsolicited Advice for Kamala Harris and the Democrats -- Aug 18
- A short video that, I think, offers a much clearer image of Hamas' strategy -- a strategy that anybody who cares about the people of Gaza should condemn. -- Tactical Civilian Sacrifice -- Aug 17
- A look at a seldom considered conflict that has enormous implications for human well-being -- the conflict between parents and children. -- America’s Families Are Not Okay: Inside the crisis of parent-child estrangement. -- Aug 17
- -- What Populism Is—And Isn't: Everything you need to know about the buzziest and most dangerous political force of our time. -- Aug 17
- Thoughts on the complex relationship between liberalism and authoritarianism and why fighting authoritarianism requires a stronger defense of liberalism. -- Liberalism Offers a Language of Resistance Against Authoritarianism Everywhere. The West may have become complacent about defending liberali -- Aug 17
- A legal analysis of steps that can and should be taken to limit at least one source of vulnerability regarding the integrity of the upcoming US election. -- Certification and Non-Discretion: a Guide to Protecting the 2024 Election -- Aug 16
- The complexities of the biological world are, in many ways, similar to the complexity of human society. This essay explores the limits of trying to engineer such systems. -- A Dystopian Effort Is Underway in the Pacific Northwest to Pick Ecological Winners and Losers -- Aug 16
- In the context of hybrid warfare, bad-faith actors, and ongoing geopolitical intrigue -- a look back at the "red scare" of the 1950s. -- The Red Scare Was No Moral Panic -- Aug 16
- Thoughts on how to transform dysfunctional democratic institutions in ways that would enable us to genuinely solve problems. -- Can't we get back to solving problems? -- Aug 16
- Food for thought, for those thinking about how to think about the complex and turbulent time in which we live. -- Sensing Towards Personal & Cultural Transformation -- Aug 15
- From Foreign Affairs, a report on new research on strategies for limiting the threat posed by political violence in the US. -- How to Prevent a Spiral of Political Violence in America -- Aug 15